Medicare Fraud? Child Custody Violations? How the prosecution muddied the waters.

"I think we felt like the case was going to be difficult to prove. We were struggling with, you know, how and when to charge it. We initially arrested him for interference with child custody just to hold him so we could try to build this murder case. So we felt at the time that the strength of the evidence was not going to be sufficient to pursue the death penalty and the aggravators simply weren’t there." ~ Georgia Cappleman in an interview with Tallahassee lawyer, James W aczewski In addition to the false arrest for child custody issues, The Tallahassee Democrat, as well as other newspapers, reported at the time that Dr. Frasch was guilty of Medicare fraud. Despite that the federal investigation ended with the charges being dropped, this story persisted. In fact, Dr. Frasch was owed money by Medicare and Medicaid, the state-assistance for people with low incomes, the elderly and the disabled. Over his 20+ year career, Dr. Frasch had to write off 8 figures-worth...