What's going on now? The fight for Hyrah and Skynnah

A horrific drama continues to unfold in Tallahassee. Tallahassee lawyer James P. Waczewski has filed a civil lawsuit against Dr. Frasch on behalf of his client, Samira Frasch’s mother in Madagascar. Samira Frasch’s mother wants not only the children but also Samira's $1 million dollar insurance settlement that would have gone directly to secondary beneficiary, Hyrah (Adam and Samira's firstborn), under the Slayer Statute which says a murderer can't financially benefit from his crime. But the settlement was paid to the primary beneficiary, Dr. Adam Frasch, before his trial. The insurance company did their own investigation and discovered many exonerating facts, including that one of Samira’s phones had pinged off of a tower in Marianna, FL at the time that Dr. Frasch was passing through on his way to Panama City Beach. Since his own phone showed him steadily heading south, they knew he was nowhere near his home in Tallahassee at the time of his wife’s death. And this is...