Did Dr. Frasch lie about his wife’s drinking?

Dr. Frasch told investigators that his wife had been drinking throughout their last day together and that she had opened a fresh bottle of champagne when they had gotten home that night. However, the toxicology report showed no alcohol in her system. In the trial, both medical examiners were asked if Samira had finished off two bottles of champagne from about midnight to 4 am would there still be any alcohol in her system in the morning? Both the State medical examiner and the expert for the defense said there would still be alcohol in her system. However, Dr. Frasch had not told investigators that she had consumed two full bottles of champagne between midnight and 4 am. He had told them he had seen two empty champagne bottles on the kitchen counter when he had left that morning. And that her drinking had started earlier in the day. It was a second bottle that had been opened at midnight. Earlier in the trial, Detective Justin Vann was asked why police had not collecte...